
In mid 2023 the Jennings County Commissioners voted to suspend climbing at Muscatatuck Park.

They cited insurance concerns. Since then, the ICC has been trying to work something out behind the scenes. 

On February 25th, we held a town hall at Muscatatuck Park where we shared what we’ve found and possible solutions.
That slides presentation can be found below, and a video of the presentation will be added shortly. 

But for now,we need your help.

Please show the commissioners that climbing in Jennings County matters to people and that there are ways to reopen the park to climbing. 

Take a few minutes to send them a letter using one of our templates, or ask us to send one on your behalf.

Slide Show from Town Hall

Video of Town Hall

The ICC at Muscatatuck

Images from various clean ups, climb meetups, and a festival – all organized by the ICC and hosted at Muscatatuck Park.

Upcoming Events

Please see below for an update on Muscatatuck from our own Cliff Marr!
Muscatatuck Update 2023